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In France - Tess

Tess site1.jpg



Tess is nearly seven years old.
She has a 22qter deletion  (délétion terminale22q13.3 associée à la trisomie partielle d'un fragment d'un autre chromosome ), diagnosed in june 2006.
She has a three and a half older sister.
She lives in south of France. (Midi Pyrénées).
Tess go to school four half days per week and she has a person just to help her two of them. 
She go two half days in Medico Social Center with speech therapy (Makaton method) and physiotherapy. 
Tess has a good understanding but big language difficulties. 
Makaton method is very helpful for her and she understood the signs very quickly. When she began this method she didn't say anything and now she is able to say many words like : "Tess", "dad", "mum", "yes", "no", "bed", "milk", "sleep", "wait"... 
She has motor function problems. She can't jump, and she can't ride bicycle.
She go horse riding once a week. 
She is not able to wait and she has many rituals. 
His parents have to think carefully before speaking.


If you want to get in touch with Tess mother, please send me a mail and I will let you be in contact with her.


Creation date : 03/04/2007 · 15:30
Last update : 15/05/2008 · 15:32
Category : In France
Page read 7092 times

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22q13 deletion - Phelan-McDermid syndrome
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To consult

= Elever un enfant porteur de la délétion 22q13 (en anglais)

= Elever un enfant porteur de la délétion 22q13 (traduction française)

= Sites d'apprentissage de la propreté (en anglais)

= Relation entre gêne Prosap 2 et délétion 22q13 (en anglais)

= Relation entre gêne Prosap 2 et délétion 22q13 (en français)

= Relation entre gêne Shank 3 et autisme - Institut Pasteur- (en français)

= Etude sur 33 patients : relation entre la taille de la délétion et le développement/comportement (Me Mattéi) (en français)

= La douleur sur internet (en français)

= Vivre avec une maladie rare en France - Guide Orphanet (en français)

= Guide Unapéi - Vivre avec un enfant différent -

= Plaquette UNIQUE sur la délétion 22q13 (en français)

= Article "genetics in medecine" sur la relation entre autisme et anomalies génétiques (en français)



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