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To read - How can we know we have a handicapped child ?

How can we know we have a handicapped child ?

Text found on a blog with wich I completly agree...



We know we have a different child when :


- we compare hospitals and not supermakets.

- We see toys as therapeutic means.

- We show our child how get things OUT cupboards.

- Clothes from last year are still ok for him.

- Everything is a learning/training, nothing is a game.

- We are really happy when our child is able to do bubbles while drinking (speech therapy).

- We are happy when he puts ketchup on the table (ergotherapy)

- We feel like we have forgot something when it's a day without any therapeutic appointment. 

- We know words like EEG, MRI, hippotherapy...

- We are proud to announce that our 6 years old child don't need nappies any more. 

- We ring to all our friends when our child is able to sit down at 2 years old or to walk at 4. 

- We get a bit angry with our friends when they complain about ONE bad night because of a child crying. 

- That's us who suggest the neurologist the exams he could do. 

- We remove at least one year when somebody ask us how old is our child. 

- We are happy to understand the word our child mumbles when he should have do it since more than three years before. 

- The slightest remark even unintentional or innocent make the tears come to our eyes.

 - We are able to have passionate/enthusiast conversations with complete unknown people, just because they are parents of handicapped children. 

- We cry secretly when a friend takes our child hand in the schoolyard...



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Creation date : 02/03/2008 · 21:43
Last update : 03/03/2008 · 15:46
Category : To read
Page read 5094 times

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22q13 deletion - Phelan-McDermid syndrome
To inquire Getting informations Medical research
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To consult

= Elever un enfant porteur de la délétion 22q13 (en anglais)

= Elever un enfant porteur de la délétion 22q13 (traduction française)

= Sites d'apprentissage de la propreté (en anglais)

= Relation entre gêne Prosap 2 et délétion 22q13 (en anglais)

= Relation entre gêne Prosap 2 et délétion 22q13 (en français)

= Relation entre gêne Shank 3 et autisme - Institut Pasteur- (en français)

= Etude sur 33 patients : relation entre la taille de la délétion et le développement/comportement (Me Mattéi) (en français)

= La douleur sur internet (en français)

= Vivre avec une maladie rare en France - Guide Orphanet (en français)

= Guide Unapéi - Vivre avec un enfant différent -

= Plaquette UNIQUE sur la délétion 22q13 (en français)

= Article "genetics in medecine" sur la relation entre autisme et anomalies génétiques (en français)



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